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Topic review


peteman wrote:

I would like feature of said thread for when I log into my secure Student's schoolwork server to exchange my schoolwork while attending Mohawk College, and some of my stuff for the student schoolwork is located on a secure server at Mohawk College.

Sorry, but I do not understand what does this has to do with the IE plugin?

I would like feature of said thread for when I log into my secure Student's schoolwork server to exchange my schoolwork while attending Mohawk College, and some of my stuff for the student schoolwork is located on a secure server at Mohawk College.

Re: IE Plugin?

Everything is possible :-)

But I do not plan anything like this.

IE Plugin?

Would it be possible to impliment WinSCP as a Browser plugin or java that performed in the same fashion as IE's ftp drag and drop target.

The objective is to Visit a web site, via Mac or Windows, click on a button that is labled "Upload Files" and download a Java application that will present a window as a drop target and allow the user to transfer files.