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Re: Rename local directory files

martin wrote:

The mv command works with remote files only:

One solution is to directly download the files to the desired extension:
get *.temp *.txt

Or you can rename them in a wrapper batch file using the ren command, after WinSCP script finishes.

Thank you! That was very healpful! :D

Re: Rename local directory files

The mv command works with remote files only:

One solution is to directly download the files to the desired extension:
get *.temp *.txt

Or you can rename them in a wrapper batch file using the ren command, after WinSCP script finishes.

Rename local directory files


I'm trying to run the script bellow and I need to rename the file from .temp to .txt after the download.

Can someone assist me?

cd /00_fidelity/00_recebimento/04_enriquecimento_kba/Bradesco
lcd C:\Users\HP\Desktop
mv *.txt *.temp
mget *.temp
rm *.temp
mv C:\Users\HP\Desktop\*.temp C:\Users\HP\Desktop\*.txt <- this doesn't work