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Re: Unable to login to server

OK, so there's nothing we can help you with. Please contact your server administrator.

Re: Unable to login to server

martin wrote:

Can you login with any other SFTP/SSH client? E.g using PuTTY?

I tried to logged in by putty with SSH client connection type.
After login name entered, following message appears:

NWS Controlled Machine:
This computer is for authorized use only.
If you are not authorized to use it, then you must log off immediately.
The company retains the right to monitor and inspect all electronic communication that takes place on its computers or equipment that accesses its network at any time.
By using this computer, you understand, accept, and consent to comply with the security policies of the company.
If you do not accept these conditions of use, you must log off now. Using keyboard-interactive authentication.

Enter password:

and after entering password, it shows "Enter password" message again and again with "Further authentication required" message as below:

Further authentication required
Using keyboard-interactive authentication.
Enter password:

Re: Unable to login to server

Can you login with any other SFTP/SSH client? E.g using PuTTY?

Unable to login to server

Version of WinSCP: 5.9.3 (Bundle 7136)
OS: Microsoft Windows XP
Transfer protocol: SFTP

While trying to log in to server, it shows Server prompt window to enter
password again and again.

Server prompt window displays following messages after click on login:

Further authentication required
Using keyboard interactive authentication
Enter password

But for other server login, it is working

Please notify me if any solution
