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Re: FTP Tranfer Resume Not Working

martin wrote:

What is "continue transfer" setting?

Please attach a full session log file showing the problem (using the latest version of WinSCP).

I found out the solution. It was because I was using sFTP in one of my servers (which worked fine) and the other server that didn't 'resume transfer' was not (it was FTP). Therefore I changed the server that didn't resume file transfer to sFTP and now it works fine.

Re: FTP Tranfer Resume Not Working

What is "continue transfer" setting?

Please attach a full session log file showing the problem (using the latest version of WinSCP).

FTP Tranfer Resume Not Working

I use winSCP for my FTP client. I have 2 servers which I regurly use this for. With one server it allows me to continue file uploads or downloads.

But with aother server it doesn't. Meaning when I try to continue it overrides it making the transfer start again.

Within the settings of winSCP it is set to 'continue transfer'. But it doesn't. I read somewhere there is something I'm needing to do within the server to allow this, but I'm not sure what

So therefore I'm wondering how to fix this?

Not to sure, but it can be caused because other server (which it's not allowing me to do this) is not using sFTP?