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Re: Connecting using HTTP Proxy Fails

martin wrote:

OK, and you have to use the proxy host and port on the Login dialog, instead of the FTP server host and port.

ok, that worked once i used the proxy host and port in the login

Thanks so much

Re: Connecting using HTTP Proxy Fails

OK, and you have to use the proxy host and port on the Login dialog, instead of the FTP server host and port.

Re: Connecting using HTTP Proxy Fails

I'm still getting a connection failed by just putting the credentials in the username box and password fields with no proxy. I did try specifying the webproxy host port after h (h:80) as well and it failed. Any other suggestions. The only messages in the log are (EFatal) Connection failed.

Re: Connecting using HTTP Proxy Fails

Is that a complete authentication sequence?

Then, you can just specify %u@%s@%h in the WinSCP User name box and %p@%w in the Password and no proxy.

Connecting using HTTP Proxy Fails

I am trying to connect using a HTTP Proxy and the connection fails. The error received is Error listing directory '/'. Could not retrieve directory listing. The network connection was aborted by the local system

I can connect using FileZilla using a custom ftp proxy with the following parameters. ( I don't require the ACCT, works without it)

USER %u@%s@%h
PASS %p@%w

h host
u username
p password
a account
s proxy user
w proxy password

I have not figured out how to configure winscp to use a user proxy type given the parameters above

I am using the latest winscp build
WinSCP Version 5.9.3 (Build 7136) (OS 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 - Windows 7 Enterprise)

If anyone has any suggestions i would appreciate it