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Re: .Net assembly error trying to put a file. I get error "Ascii, Binary or Automatic is not supported?

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Re: .Net assembly error trying to put a file. I get error "Ascii, Binary or Automatic is not supported?

martin wrote:

The error message is wrong.
It's actually the OverwriteMode value that is wrong. It cannot be set to a Boolean (True). It's am enumeration.

That was it. Thank you for pointing that out Martin. I really appreciate the quick reply. :)

Re: .Net assembly error trying to put a file. I get error "Ascii, Binary or Automatic is not supported?

The error message is wrong.
It's actually the OverwriteMode value that is wrong. It cannot be set to a Boolean (True). It's an enumeration.

.Net assembly error trying to put a file. I get error "Ascii, Binary or Automatic is not supported?

I am using the latest .Net assembly (Btw Thanks for this great product!)
I can get a session connected with SFTP, I can create destination folders, but when I try to PUT files I get an error stating none of the TransferMode's work? I've tried Binary, Ascii and Automatic. Same thing each setting. Using the WinSCP app itself I can use same credentials and keys/fingerprints and get logged in and then I can create Dirs, Read, Write, Delete files. No problem with permissions. This is a prod account and works. We use WinSCP all day long here. I am just trying to automate it.
I just can't figure this out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

My setup:
Windows 7 enterprise. Visual Studio 2015 all new installs.
Connecting to pretty recent version of OpenBSD SSHd on Windows Server. It is a production server and moves 1000's of files a day so it's probably good to go.
Logs attached.

Code sample: (simplified to read)
' Setup session options
Dim sessionOptions As New SessionOptions

With sessionOptions
.Protocol = Protocol.Sftp
.PortNumber = Trim(txtPort.Text)
.HostName = Trim(txtserverAddr.Text)
.UserName = Trim(TxtLogin.Text)
.SshPrivateKeyPath = Trim(TxtKeyPath.Text)
.SshHostKeyFingerprint = Trim(My.Settings.FingerPrint)
End With

Using session As New Session
session.DebugLogPath = My.Settings.MkInt_RootDir & "\Debug.log"
session.SessionLogPath = My.Settings.MkInt_RootDir & "\Session.Log"

' Upload files
Dim transferOptions As New TransferOptions
transferOptions.TransferMode = TransferMode.Automatic (Ascii and Binary fail as well)
transferOptions.PreserveTimestamp = False
transferOptions.OverwriteMode = True

Dim transferResult As TransferOperationResult
Dim XFilenames string = "SomeFileName.txt"
Dim DestFilenames As String = "SomeFileName.txt"
Log("Creating Vendor folders on MFTPROD\CLIENT\ area if needed..")
session.DebugLogLevel = 1

Log("Destination folders Exists - Ok.")

'FAILS HERE. Jumps to 'END USING' statement after about 2 seconds
transferResult = session.PutFiles(XFilenames, DestFilenames, True, transferOptions)

'Throw On any Error
For Each transfer In transferResult.Transfers
rTxtConsole.AppendText("Upload of {0} succeeded" & transfer.FileName)

End Using

Catch ex As Exception
Me.StatusStrip1.Text = "Error Occured.."
Me.StatusStrip1.BackColor = Color.Red
rTxtConsole.AppendText("Error: " & ex.Message & vbCrLf)

End Try

results from my logging window:

Files are ready to deploy...

Beginning Connect Attempt..
Connect Opened, Creating Folders and transferring files..
Creating Vendor folders on MFTPROD\CLIENT\ area if needed..
Creating 111\vendorfolder
Destination folders Created/Exists - Ok.

Moving files C:\MkInterface\rci_sqrname_X*.* to /111/vendorfolder/rci_sqrname_X*.*

Error: Ascii is not supported

I also get "Binary is not supported" and "Automatic is not supported."

Thank you for any help you can provide.