Re: does not open again
Thanks. I see 9 sessions in the log. I'll try to follow the last one. I'll probably send you another debug version.
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
So the log was generated when WinSCP have not opened, right? Then I need to prepare another version, because the problem is somewhere else then I've thought.
What does it mean that you cannot start it?
I don't know why, but this morning WinSCP does not open again. It worked Yesterday night. I have a Winscptrace.log, written this morning when I tried to start. Is this what You need? I sent it to you now.
Now we have another problem: I cannot start the debug version again. V 374 works, but v 375michaa does NOT open anymore. I tried to re-copy it after re-install of v 374, but nevertheless, it does not open. Do I need a new debug version ;-)?
- When I started winscp, I got an message to remove the file...and the debugversion started.
-I played around a little bit: I installed the normal 375 again ...and it opend. I copied the 375debug and THISONE did NOT open, but there was an german error message: "Ungultiger speicherzugriff" which means: "Not valid attemt to access the memory". So your debugversion crashes with some v375 files, but opens with v374 files.
- When I install the 374, there is no need to reboot. But version 375 forces to reboot. Is this normal?
I have added the following line at the top at second line:
set WINSCPTRACE=e:\winscp\debug.log