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Re: Removing Files and Reloading in Winspc

WolfgangSau108 wrote:

I inadvertently removed files from winspc public_html and need to purge the site and reload my website to be transferred to hosting service. Can you give advice as to what steps I need to perform to clear the site and then reload the website I created in Micrsoft Fron Page. Site and uploads worked well for 5 years and only in the last few days through erros of my own am I having problems. I am a novice user.

Sorry, but that's a way too broad question. And probably not about WinSCP anyway.

Beemer wrote:

Sorry if I posted too early. I have found that if I drag a folder to the recycle folder it effectively deletes it. However I'm curious why standard delete button or menu delete item is not provided?

There is Delete button on the toolbar, in the Files menu, in the context menu, everywhere.

Removing Files and Reloading in Winspc

I inadvertently removed files from winspc public_html and need to purge the site and reload my website to be transferred to hosting service. Can you give advice as to what steps I need to perform to clear the site and then reload the website I created in Micrsoft Fron Page. Site and uploads worked well for 5 years and only in the last few days through erros of my own am I having problems. I am a novice user.

Sorry if I posted too early. I have found that if I drag a folder to the recycle folder it effectively deletes it. However I'm curious why standard delete button or menu delete item is not provided?


I cannot delete any folder

I'm using version 5.9.4 and cannot find a way to delete remote folders even if they are empty. Can someone help me
