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Re: Timestamp Issues between 2 Servers within same Timezone

Please upgrade to the latest version of WinSCP.
This may fix the problem:
If not, please post a new log file using the latest version.

and that's logged in as the WinSCP user on the local system and logged in using the same credential/login that WinSCP uses on the remote system?

possible to manually run sftp (not WinSCP) and compare the output of "ls -l" and "ls -ln" on one of the 'problem' files using the same remote credential/login as WinSCP?

martouf wrote:

open a command prompt (run cmd.exe) on both servers and compare the output of the following commands:
1. tzutil /g
2. systeminfo | findstr /c:"Time Zone"

Identical on both:

C:\>tzutil /g

W. Europe Standard Time
C:\>systeminfo | findstr /c:"Time Zone"
Time Zone:                 (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna

open a command prompt (run cmd.exe) on both servers and compare the output of the following commands:
1. tzutil /g
2. systeminfo | findstr /c:"Time Zone"

Timestamp Issues between 2 Servers within same Timezone

We are synching files via FTP between 2 Windows Server 2012 R2 servers which, at least when logged in as a user, have the exact same time and timezone (UTC+1).

However WinSCP seems "confused" about the timestamps of the files. In Windows Explorer we see the same file on both servers with the same time (20:00). We know the files was created at 20:00 and copied to the remote server shortly thereafter. However, when we re-synch WinSCP copies the file back from the remote to the local server with the following explanation:

Remote file '/blah/8834570223646.pdf' [2017-02-27T20:00:00.000Z] [7066065] is modified comparing to local file 'D:\blah\8834570223646.pdf' [2017-02-27T19:00:05.948Z] [7066065]

The 19:00 UTC is correct but the 20:00 UTC is incorrect (it should be 20:00 CET i.e. UTC+1) so it looks like WinSCP is interpreting the remote server's local timestamp (20:00) as UTC.

When I view the remote server in Filezilla I see 8:00PM (20:00)

Do I need to change WinSCP or my remote IIS FTP to get the timestamps sorted?

option batch abort 

option confirm off
synchronize remote D:\blah /blah
# Disconnect

Logfile attached[/code]