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Re: I'm having the same problem with the paid version from the MS Store

bdmacl wrote:

I can run the classic version just fine. I decided to "donate" by purchasing on the MS Store based on your recommendations. I can't run the app because I get that same "The data area passed to a system call is too small" error. I have 32GB of Ram, almost all is free, I reboot cleanly and still can't run the paid version. Additional info: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\MartinPikryl.WinSCP_5.13.7.0_x86_tvv458r3h9r5m\winscp.exe

Running Win10 Pro, latest updates applied.

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

I'm having the same problem with the paid version from the MS Store

I can run the classic version just fine. I decided to "donate" by purchasing on the MS Store based on your recommendations. I can't run the app because I get that same "The data area passed to a system call is too small" error. I have 32GB of Ram, almost all is free, I reboot cleanly and still can't run the paid version. Additional info: C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\MartinPikryl.WinSCP_5.13.7.0_x86_tvv458r3h9r5m\winscp.exe

Running Win10 Pro, latest updates applied.


The problem was virus. .bat file in windows foleder.

Re: The data area passed to a system call is too small!

Hi,i can`t see your email.Thank you.

Did you register and log in?

Re: The data area passed to a system call is too small!

martin wrote:

PerfectSolution wrote:

Hi,when i start Winscp.exe i get this message "The data area passed to a system call is too small!" I would be really happy if someone help me.

Thanks for your report.

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

Hi,i can`t see your email.Thank you.

Re: The data area passed to a system call is too small!

PerfectSolution wrote:

Hi,when i start Winscp.exe i get this message "The data area passed to a system call is too small!" I would be really happy if someone help me.

Thanks for your report.

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

Nope,i hvae 2gb available. OS : Windows 10 Pro.

System memory (RAM) exhausted?

The data area passed to a system call is too small!

The data area passed to a system call is too small>

The data area passed to a system call is too small!

Hi,when i start Winscp.exe i get this message "The data area passed to a system call is too small!" I would be really happy if someone help me.