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Topic review


lbrewerton wrote:

This is using a stored connection so connection details should not be necessary?

But you still need the open command.
And using stored sites in the script is not recommended:

When I use I get a "no mapping for the unicode character exists in the target multibyte code page" error

Make sure the script uses UTF-8 encoding.

This is using a stored connection so connection details should not be necessary?

When I use I get a "no mapping for the unicode character exists in the target multibyte code page" error

/script not firing

I have a Windows CMD file -

@echo off

start "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe" /script=C:\HyveSync\Automation\KBStaffSync.txt /xmllog=C:\HyveSync\Automation\log.txt

The script file is this:-

# Automatically abort script on errors

option batch continue
# Disable overwrite confirmations that conflict with the previous
option confirm off
# Connect using stored connection

# Force binary mode transfer
option transfer binary
synchronize remote C:\Tomcat\Websites\Shared\staffwiki /kbstaff
# Disconnect

But when I fire the CMD file either by using the shortcut or from command line, nothing seems to happen and my log file is empty, but if I use the WinSCP console and copy/paste the commands from the script file into the WinSCP console then it works fine.