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Topic review


Okay, the semi-colon solved my problem. Although, might I suggest, that future versions also accept commas?

Also eagerly awaiting the release of the next version. Overall, this is a really good program. And solving this issue has already made it a lot more useful for me.


Re: Only download text files in all subdirectories

Eric wrote:

When I try using an "Include" mask with *.html, *.htm, *.txt etc., it only downloads the files in the current directory, and no sub-directories.

It is supposed to work this way. The mask is applied to directories too. So they are all probably excluded as their names does not match "*.html". Next version will allow masks specific to directories (like "*/" to allow all directories).
Also, use semicolon instead of comma.

When I try using the "Text" preset, the first thing it asks me is "File something.jpg already exists locally - Overwrite? [Yes, No, Cancel, Newer only, etc.]"

"Text" preset means "text" transfer mode.

When I try using the "Exclude" mask with *.jpg, *.gif, *.mov, etc., the first thing it asks me is "File something.jpg already exists locally - Overwrite? [Yes, No, Cancel, Newer only, etc.]"

Use semicolon instead of comma.

Only download text files in all subdirectories

I'm useing version 3.7.5 beta, and previously using 3.7.4

I'm trying to download just the text files in all subdirectories of my current one.

When I try using an "Include" mask with *.html, *.htm, *.txt etc., it only downloads the files in the current directory, and no sub-directories.

When I try using the "Text" preset, the first thing it asks me is "File something.jpg already exists locally - Overwrite? [Yes, No, Cancel, Newer only, etc.]"

When I try using the "Exclude" mask with *.jpg, *.gif, *.mov, etc., the first thing it asks me is "File something.jpg already exists locally - Overwrite? [Yes, No, Cancel, Newer only, etc.]"

What do I have to do to get only the text files in all the subdirectories?