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Topic review

Atul Pethe

Response log files was not created -- WinSCP unable to transfer over SFTP

make sure you closed all sftp session in finally block.

if (sessionSFTP.Opened == true){
sessionSFTP = null;

Re: Any Solution ?

Mohammad Ali wrote:

Did you find any solution for this issue ?

As you can see, I never got any response to my questions above.
Can you provide details about your specific problem?
Mohammad Ali

Any Solution ?

Did you find any solution for this issue ?

Re: Response log files was not created -- WinSCP unable to transfer over SFTP

Is there any other processes on the same machine that may use an old version of WinSCP .NET assembly?

Do you have the same problem on both machines?

Response log files was not created -- WinSCP unable to transfer over SFTP


I have two servers, both of which are running Windows Server 2012. Both of them have the same .NET 4.5.2 project that calls out to WinSCP via the API.

I have a console application that runs as admin. It works fine, until it starts running into problems writing to the c:\Windows\Temp folder. The only way to get out of the predicament is restarting the server.

Here is the exception:
WinSCP.SessionLocalException: WinSCP process terminated with exit code 3. There was no output. Response log file C:\Windows\TEMP\wscp215C.019AAC99.tmp was not created. This could indicate lack of write permissions to the log folder or problems starting WinSCP itself.
at WinSCP.Session.Open(SessionOptions sessionOptions)
at BootFX.DbBackup.SessionExtender.Open(Session session, RepositoryItem item) in D:\Code\BootFX.DbBackup\BootFX.DbBackup\Repositories\SessionExtender.cs:line 14
at BootFX.DbBackup.SftpRepository.DoStore(String stagingPath, DatabaseItem item, BackupFileType type) in D:\Code\BootFX.DbBackup\BootFX.DbBackup\Repositories\SftpRepository.cs:line 32
at BootFX.DbBackup.Repository.Store(String stagingPath, DatabaseItem item, BackupFileType type) in D:\Code\BootFX.DbBackup\BootFX.DbBackup\Repositories\Repository.cs:line 27
at BootFX.DbBackup.BackupEngine.Backup(DatabaseItem item, IConnection master) in D:\Code\BootFX.DbBackup\BootFX.DbBackup\Services\BackupEngine.cs:line 214
at BootFX.DbBackup.BackupEngine.OnElapsed(EventArgs e) in D:\Code\BootFX.DbBackup\BootFX.DbBackup\Services\BackupEngine.cs:line 99

I am running 5.9.4.

