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Topic review


Re: Donation via Paypal failing

I'm sorry for that. But that's unfortunately beyond our control.
We keep receiving donations constantly. No one else has reported a similar problem.

Re: Donation via Paypal failing

I just tried again, and got the same error. :(

Re: Donation via Paypal failing

Thanks for your report.
It was probably some temporary outage on PayPal side.
I have received a donation both shortly before and after your report.
Can you please try again? Thanks!

Donation via PayPal failing

I'm attempting to donate via my Paypal account, and I'm receiving the following error message:
We cannot process this transaction because there is a problem with the PayPal email address supplied by the seller. Please contact the seller to resolve the problem. If this payment is for an eBay listing, you can contact the seller via the "Ask Seller a Question" link on the listing page. When you have the correct email address, payment can be made at

The email address that is apparently being used is
