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Topic review

Ladislav Kudláček

Re: How to disallow to writing to opened document?

martin wrote:

Not with the protocols that WinSCP supports. You would have to use some Microsoft solution for online collaboration.

Hmm...The Microsoft solution is not solution :)) But I understand...
I would like replace SCP solution for samba solution.

Linux ACL is the great. Unfortunately I can`t set up ACL for SAMBA protocol.

thanks for reply

Re: How to disallow to writing to opened document?

Not with the protocols that WinSCP supports. You would have to use some Microsoft solution for online collaboration.
Ladislav Kudláček

How to disallow to writing to opened document?


User 1 opens Word document --> he does some changes...
User 2 opens the same document --> he does some changes...

I will see in this document only last changes...for example by "User 2"

Is it possible to disallow writing to opened document?
For it possible to open the documents on remote server? (without download doc to local temporary folder...)

thanks for tips...