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Topic review


Re: +1

@tesseract1919: This topic actually already covers like 3 different issues. So I'm not really sure which one are you reacting to. Can you start a new topic and include a session log file showing the problem?


We just enabled 2FA (DUO), and now I can't use WinSCP. Back to command line PuTTY transfers for me...

Any word on an update?

@mreus: OK, I understand now. No, it's really not possible.

When I login as normal through the program, it asks for my password. After entering my password, it asks for the authentication code (in this case, that was the 2FA request). Once I've entered that, it grants me access. Works pretty well. There's just currently no means to supply that authentication code request within the .NET process.

@mreus: Where do you see that? What exactly do you mean?

So I see you can access 2FA through base program. I'm assuming that it's still not accessible on the .NET side?

Well, your vote is taken into account.

Hey there – first off, thanks so much for maintaining WinSCP, I love the tool.

Just wondering if there's any chance we'll see an update on the 2FA support for WinSCP?


WinSCP and Authy 2 Factor

Hello everyone. I have been trying to use WinSCP to transfer files using SCP on a server that is setup for 2 factor authentication using Authy. I was able to get this to work very easily on my OS X machine, but I would also like to have this setup on Windows with the convenience of a GUI. The issue is that I cannot find anywhere in the settings that would allow me to make these connection changes. Would this be possible?

Thanks a lot!