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Sent you an email, as I'm the guest user of the last post!

Re: Still present in the latest version...

@Guest: Thanks for your report.

Can you send me an email, so I can send you back a debug version of WinSCP to track the problem? Please include a link back to this topic in your email. Also note in this topic that you have sent the email. Thanks.

You will find my address (if you log in) in my forum profile.

Still present in the latest version...

Just to inform that this bug is still present in the current version, 6.0.2 RC

@Shores: Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to the address you have used to register on this forum.

Do you know that this strange bug has reappeared in recent versions, and is present in the latest one, 5.9.4?


5.7.6 will be released in few weeks. Though as I do not know what actually causes the difference, I do not know if the "fix/change" is present in 5.7.6.

No date set for 5.8 yet.


Any idea on when this version will be publicly available?

Thanks again, for the responses and for the wonderful WinSCP!

Shores wrote:

Can I keep using this version you sent me or it has bugs that prevent using it everyday?

You can use it.

I tested the non debug version you sent me, and it works flawlessly: when changing directories , whether or not directory caching is enabled, WinSCP refuses to transfer files to the remote dir until it has refreshed it, and seems to always correctly asks for confirmation if the file exists in remote dir.

Can I keep using this version you sent me or it has bugs that prevent using it everyday?


I have sent you a development (non-debug) build.

I downloaded the debug version, but I haven't been able to reproduce the bug, but maybe this is due to the fact that the debug version is much slower.

What happens with it is that in the time frame when the normal version exibits the bug, the debug one, being slower, doesn't accept inputs and doesn't make me drag local pane files to the remote panel; since the bug is only present in the first moments after changing dirs, and the debug version doesn't make me drag anything in these moments, maybe the bug has already been corrected in the codebase used for the debug version...

Could you send me a non debug 5.8 version, so that I can test if the bug is still present or not? I think the slowness of the debug version makes it very difficult to see the bug in action, if ever it's still present...

Re: Overwrite confirmation does not work in the first seconds after changing directory

Thanks for your report.
I have sent you an email with a debug version of WinSCP to address you have used to register on this forum.

Overwrite confirmation does not work in the first seconds after changing directory

This bug is happening when synchronized browsing is active, and is happening since many versions ago, and still is in the latest:

In the Commander interface, use the local pane to change directory, then RAPIDLY drag and drop a file already present in remote from local to remote panel: no overwrite confirmation is asked, the file simply gets overwritten in remote dir.

Note that if you wait some time, letting WinSCP "get aware" that the remote panel has changed directory as per synchronized browsing, then the overwrite confirmation warning correctly appears.

So this seems a sort of timing issue, when the local panel doesn't wait for the remote one to be ready when checking if the file that is being dropped is present in remote.