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Re: Option to make Shift+Scroll in the Text Editor scroll left and right instead of up and down

OK. I'll look into the horizontal scrolling, if more people ask for it.

Re: Option to make Shift+Scroll in the Text Editor scroll left and right instead of up and down

martin wrote:

That that mean, that it works elsewhere (where?), but not in WinSCP editor?

Correct. I used the AutoHotkey script provided there, which(If I understand it correctly) replaces the shift+scroll behavior with the behavior that would be associated with having a horizontal scroll wheel.
Without the script, WinSCP Editor scrolls normally when holding shift and using the scroll wheel. With the script enabled, WinSCP Editor does nothing when using shift+scroll wheel. I take the fact that the behavior changed as a sign of the script doing its job.

With the script enabled, I have tested Shift+Scrolling on Opera Web Browser, Google Chrome, Winamp, IntelliJ Idea, and Audacity, and it has worked.

On the other hand, I have also found multiple programs it doesn't work with, that also use normal scroll as the behavior when the script is disabled, but do nothing with it enabled. It should also be noted that multiple(possibly all) of the programs I successfully tested with the script also allow shift+scroll to act as horizontal scroll without the script.

Re: Option to make Shift+Scroll in the Text Editor scroll left and right instead of up and down

pullerrush wrote:

EDIT: I just tested it, and it appears that the script works, but the WinSCP editor doesn't respond at all to a Horizontal Scroll Wheel.

That that mean, that it works elsewhere (where?), but not in WinSCP editor?

Re: Option to make Shift+Scroll in the Text Editor scroll left and right instead of up and down

martin wrote:

Alright, while that looks like it'll be pretty helpful in my case, I still think this should be a feature built in to the program. I won't argue it anymore, though, as long as your suggestion works.

EDIT: I just tested it, and it appears that the script works, but the WinSCP editor doesn't respond at all to a Horizontal Scroll Wheel.

Option to make Shift+Scroll in the Text Editor scroll left and right instead of up and down

As the title says, I think it would be useful to have the ability to scroll the editor left and right when shift is held down, when you have word wrap disabled and lines long enough to need that. It could be an option under the Editor settings category, so people would be able to disable it if, for some reason, they dislike being able to do that.