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Re: ftps issue

martin wrote:

joe_bai wrote:

If i use it without ssl i can login in.

That indicates that you did not setup the firewall according to the guide.
Did you really enable all tree firewall rules? Did you restart the FTP server (or even the whole server)?

I fixed it. Because our cisco asa firewall has other rule to block it. Thank you so much.

Re: ftps issue

joe_bai wrote:

If i use it without ssl i can login in.

That indicates that you did not setup the firewall according to the guide.
Did you really enable all tree firewall rules? Did you restart the FTP server (or even the whole server)?

ftps issue

Yes, i did all the steps. If i use it without ssl i can login in. On the server i used winscp and use domain name or IP to login, i can login.

ftps issue

I tried passive mode and set the firewall setting support, give the scope 5000-6000,but still does not work.

Windows server 2012 + ssl + ftp
I have outside IP.
Tried to use no ssl, i can login in the ftp.