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Re: winscp hangs on double-click (open-directory pulldown)

fk2 wrote:

Hangs when double-clicking to edit a text inside open-directory pulldown menu.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. Please give me more details of what you are doing.

winscp hangs on double-click (open-directory pulldown)

Hangs when double-clicking to edit a text inside open-directory pulldown menu.

Windows 98
WinSCP 3.7.5 beta
Norton Commander style
(No logging)

WINSCP3 caused an invalid page fault in
module <unknown> at 0000:ffff0220.
EAX=0190f18c CS=0167 EIP=ffff0220 EFLGS=00010246
EBX=0190f18c SS=016f ESP=00910038 EBP=00910058
ECX=009100dc DS=016f ESI=8176e4ec FS=57c7
EDX=bff76855 ES=016f EDI=00910104 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:

Stack dump:
bff76849 00910104 0190f18c 00910120 009100dc 00910210 bff76855 0190f18c 009100ec bff87fe9 00910104 0190f18c 00910120 009100dc ffff0220 009102c8