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[Solved] New vers 5.9.5 (compilation 7441) does not allow paste password

martin wrote:

So to what version did you downgrade to make it working?

5.9.3 (Compilation 7136)

martin wrote:

If you upgrade back to 5.9.5 does it stop working again?

It works perfect already.

martin wrote:

How exactly did your downgrade?

a) Uninstall the version that caused the problem.
b) Removing the version without removing traces of the application on this computer.
c) Restarting the computer

Now,when performing the reverse steps to re-perform the upgrade, it worked again and without problems.
Thank you very much Martin.

Re: New vers 5.9.5 (compilation 7441) does not allow paste password

Thanks for your responses.

Anonymous wrote:

4) Yes I can.

So to what version did you downgrade to make it working? If you upgrade back to 5.9.5 does it stop working again? How exactly did your downgrade?

Re: New vers 5.9.5 (compilation 7441) does not allow paste password

martin wrote:

I cannot reproduce this problem. How exactly do you paste the password? Can you paste the same contents (password) to the other fields, like User name box?
What version of WinSCP were you using previously? Can you paste the password, if you downgrade back? Can you paste to password boxes of other applications?

1)I paste the password as I have always done with right click paste.
I also tried using the Control v keys.
2)It was not necessary to try.
3)I do not remember exactly, I think it was version 5.9.3 (Compilation 7136).
4) Yes I can.
5) Yes I can.

Re: New vers 5.9.5 (compilation 7441) does not allow paste password

I cannot reproduce this problem. How exactly do you paste the password? Can you paste the same contents (password) to the other fields, like User name box?
What version of WinSCP were you using previously? Can you paste the password, if you downgrade back? Can you paste to password boxes of other applications?

New vers 5.9.5 (compilation 7441) does not allow paste password

Dear, my password has more than 30 characters including symbols, uppercase, lowercase letters and numbers, for security reasons.
For this reason, I copy and paste it when I connect to WinSCP.
Today I made an update to the 5.9.5 (compilation 7441) version and it does not allow me to paste the password (do not paste the password, there is only white space left).
My OS: Windows 7 64 bits
My WinSCP user interface: NC (Commander)

Any solution?