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Re: Path masking for windows path

martin wrote:

Sorry, but this is too vague.
What do you want to do exactly?
Do you want to download all *.txt files from the C:\CI-CD_setup\Softs directory tree to a single folder?
Or is there always only one file? Show us some concrete example.

Every time i need to extract *.txt file from the directory .. .The directory path changes

Re: Path masking for windows path

Sorry, but this is too vague.
What do you want to do exactly?
Do you want to download all *.txt files from the C:\CI-CD_setup\Softs directory tree to a single folder?
Or is there always only one file? Show us some concrete example.

Can anyone help me please.....

Path masking for windows path

I have a path as
_54_23.0.3.1 number will be changing how to mask that and reirect to a file

C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe /log=C:\CI-CD_setup\log.txt /command "open sftp://root:password123@" "put C:\CI-CD_setup\Softs\TC20E_54_23.0.3.1\TC20E_54_23.0.3.1\*.txt %DestnPathPEF14%" "exit"