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Did you get my email?

Sorry, I was on holiday and I've returned few hours ago. I'll try to do that today.

Hi Martin,

any news on that?


Thanks. I soon as I have a time I'll prepare debug version of WinSCP and I'll send it to your email address.

Yes indeed, I tested it now quite a few times in explorer mode and it works like a charm.


I suppose that you are using Norton Commander interface, do you? Please try 3.6.8 (or even 3.7.5) with Explorer-like interface. I suppose that it would start up correctly, but I need to be sure.

I'm now pretty sure that 3.6.7 works and 3.6.8 don't. The strange thing is: Whenever I started 3.6.7 and connected to any server successfully, 3.6.8 will also work until a computer restart.

OK, once you are sure, let me know.

3.6.8 doesn't work

It seems that there are some changes between 3.6.7 and 3.6.8 causing that problem...I will cross-check 3.6.7 again to make sure 3.6.7 works as it should, and 3.6.8 does not.

okay, 3.6.7 also works.

3.6.7 seems also to work, but I need a few more tries to verify that it works each time.

timo wrote:

Okay, 3.41 works as it should. I will add more versions here soon.

Thanks, please try later versions too.

Okay, 3.41 works as it should. I will add more versions here soon.

timo wrote:

I will try to find that out. By the way, is the Borland C++ thing available for free? If yes, I could build a debug version and create a traceback just when the "hang" occurs.

Unfortunally not.

I don't think it's a computer specific issue, as my colleauges have the same problems (the only thing the machines have in common is that they're running Windows XP)

It can be for example network issue. In my company network there is also small delay at the same time you refer to. But it is only about 2-3 seconds. Problem here is caused by one of the mapped network drives (WinSCP at the time lists drives available on the machine).

I will try to find that out. By the way, is the Borland C++ thing available for free? If yes, I could build a debug version and create a traceback just when the "hang" occurs.

I don't think it's a computer specific issue, as my colleauges have the same problems (the only thing the machines have in common is that they're running Windows XP)

timo wrote:

I don't remember exactly when the problem occured, but it was definitely there with 3.7.4 (I upgraded to the latest beta, however, that problem is still there).

OK, but I would like to know the version that introduced the problem. Can you check this for me? You can get any version here.

The link you've posted relates to "Script Engine Integration", did you do a mistake? Because it doesn't seem that the post has to do with my problem ;)

That was mistake. Sorry. Removed.

I don't remember exactly when the problem occured, but it was definitely there with 3.7.4 (I upgraded to the latest beta, however, that problem is still there).

The link you've posted relates to "Script Engine Integration", did you do a mistake? Because it doesn't seem that the post has to do with my problem ;)

Re: WinSCP hangs during connection to server

Are you sure that 3.7.4 was the first version with the problem?

WinSCP hangs during connection to server


since Version 3.7.4, WinSCP hangs whenever we connect to our servers. After clicking "login", it says "starting the session". In previous versions, the main WinSCP window appeared, but since 3.7.4, "starting the session" disappears and it takes from 2 Minutes to several hours until the main window is being shown.