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You know what - maybe its not just WinSCP. Here are some tests I just did with some other programs:

GIMP opens the modals up on the wrong window. PuTTY does the same. WinSCP does it. Firefox does it.

It all seems to have come from a recent update, as it never used to do that. Maybe I'll try posting on a Windows forum to see if anyone else is aware of this issue / any way to resolve it.

Sorry to waste your time :)


Re: Modals / alerts coming up on wrong window

Thanks for your report.
Though, I cannot reproduce it. What version of WinSCP are you using? What do you mean by "recent"? Did it start with some version of WinSCP? Or did it start suddenly? Or with some Windows setting change or update? Can you describe steps to reproduce the problem in more details?

Modals / alerts coming up on wrong window


This seems to be a recent issue, as I'm sure it didn't do this before. Please see this image:

Basically, whenever a progress bar / alert / timeout / any other message comes up, it shows on the wrong screen. If I move WinSCP to another screen, the popup/progress/etc opens up on another screen the next time. Then to my 3rd screen, and it moves to yet another. This seems to be a recent bug (I'm on the latest stable), as it never used to do this.

Is it a bug? Or a new setting that needs to be tweaked to make them open up on the same screen the program is on?

I'm on Win 10 64 BTW
