martin wrote:
obi wrote:
1:delete local copy only if the server has acknowleded the COMPLETE file save
Not bad idea. But I do not like leaving temporary files around system. Most users do not know about them at all, which has security implications when they are using WinSCP on shared computer. I'll consider it anyway.
I understand that leaving cache on the disk is potentially dangerous. I propose the following scenario:
If you loose the connection while editing one or more files, in the dialog popping up, add a section asking what to do with cached files:
Radio buttons:
Check button:
[Remember this decision]
button :
[show cached files] (open an explorer window in the cache directory)
Moreover, you can add a specific message/beaviour if you do not have received the acknowledgement since the last save
Going on a different direction, when you loose connection while editing a file, and hit reconnect, you could check if there is a diff between the file still in the editor, and the one on the server. If not, the user should be able to continue typing in the opened editor, if not, ask what to do: keep in memory version/ take server version/ show server version (the best would be a diff, but I guess this is would be lot of work from your side).
If you want some help to implement one of these features, I could spend a few hours to put some code where my mouth is, depending of the complexity of the WinSCP Code. I just do not want to loose some code/time again, this is a luxury I can't afford.
BTW, thanks again for the hard work and the nice result.