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Re: WinSCP port 80

martin wrote:

ionutsilviu9 wrote:

WinSCP calls few IPs like 87.106.181.*, 92.122.51.* and 23.37.37.* on TCP port 80.
WinSCP version is 5.9.4.
After two days of investigation I wasn't able to find out what's causing WinSCP to call port 80 on those IPs. Updates, check for beta versions and anonymous usage statistics were disabled from Preferences. Do you have an answer for this behavior?

I do not see any evidence for WinSCP being the culprit on your screenshot.
WinSCP should not connect anywhere, if you disable check for updates.
Anyway, the is indeed an IP address of our (this) server. The other IP addresses are for Akamai CDN network.

Thank you Martin.

Re: WinSCP port 80

ionutsilviu9 wrote:

WinSCP calls few IPs like 87.106.181.*, 92.122.51.* and 23.37.37.* on TCP port 80.
WinSCP version is 5.9.4.
After two days of investigation I wasn't able to find out what's causing WinSCP to call port 80 on those IPs. Updates, check for beta versions and anonymous usage statistics were disabled from Preferences. Do you have an answer for this behavior?

I do not see any evidence for WinSCP being the culprit on your screenshot.
WinSCP should not connect anywhere, if you disable check for updates.
Anyway, the is indeed an IP address of our (this) server. The other IP addresses are for Akamai CDN network.

WinSCP port 80


WinSCP calls few IPs like 87.106.181.*, 92.122.51.* and 23.37.37.* on TCP port 80.
WinSCP version is 5.9.4.
After two days of investigation I wasn't able to find out what's causing WinSCP to call port 80 on those IPs. Updates, check for beta versions and anonymous usage statistics were disabled from Preferences. Do you have an answer for this behavior?

Thank you,

WinSCP calls home?

I noticed something on a machine that has a software firewall:
After conecting to a target host using WinSCP, it (WinSCP) then tried to connect to [], port 80

Is this just statistics gathering?

OK ;) I could crawl through the source, but I thought there might be a quick answer in this forum.
