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Re: Assertion failed bug

nebot wrote:

It was for the previous version and while i can reproduce this behavior in both the debug (5.10 build 7391) and normal (5.9.5) i cannot reproduce it in the 5.9.6 (build 7601) version.

By "this behavior" are you referring to "program dumping when a host is attached"?
Can you reproduce the behavior with 5.10.2?

Re: Assertion failed bug

martin wrote:

Do you have any reason to run the debug version?

Yes, you provided it to me for another issue related to the program dumping when a host is attached and can no longer connect or resolve DNS for the system.

It was for the previous version and while i can reproduce this behavior in both the debug (5.10 build 7391) and normal (5.9.5) i cannot reproduce it in the 5.9.6 (build 7601) version.

Re: Assertion failed bug

Do you have any reason to run the debug version?

Assertion failed bug

Recently opened WinSCP and copying files does not have an issue. Upon trying to move a file from the server to local, it blows up with the error "Assertion failed: (FProgressData->Operation == foCopy) || (FProgressData->Operation == foCalucalteSize),file core\Queue.cpp, line 2250

The same issue occurs with the debug version i have from you and the location line are from that version. 5.9.5

the trace files do not appear to have any meaningful data within them.