Re: still seems to be an issue in 2020
exactly the same symptoms, even after switching the web server to basic authentication
Please attach a complete session log file for the basic authentication.
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
exactly the same symptoms, even after switching the web server to basic authentication
2020-12-17 12:59:44.408 Doing DNS lookup on [REDACTED]
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.408 req: Connecting to [REDACTED]:80
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.423 Request sent; retry is 0.
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.423 [status-line] < HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.423 Header Name: [cache-control], Value: [no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate]
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.423 Header Name: [pragma], Value: [no-cache]
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.423 Header Name: [content-type], Value: [text/html]
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.423 Header Name: [expires], Value: [-1]
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.423 Header Name: [server], Value: [Microsoft-IIS/10.0]
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.423 Header Name: [www-authenticate], Value: [NTLM]
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.423 Header Name: [x-powered-by], Value: [ASP.NET]
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.423 Header Name: [x-ua-compatible], Value: [IE=11]
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.423 Header Name: [date], Value: [Thu, 17 Dec 2020 12:59:44 GMT]
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.423 Header Name: [content-length], Value: [1293]
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.423 End of headers.
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.439 ah_post_send (#0), code is 401 (want 401), WWW-Authenticate is NTLM
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.439 auth: Got challenge (code 401).
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.439 auth: No challenges accepted.
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.439 Request ends, status 401 class 4xx, error line:
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.439 Could not authenticate to server: ignored NTLM challenge
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.439 Request ends.
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.439 sess: Destroying session.
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.439 sess: Closing connection.
. 2020-12-17 12:59:44.439 sess: Connection closed.
* 2020-12-17 12:59:44.439 (EFatal) Authentication failed.
* 2020-12-17 12:59:44.439 Could not authenticate to server: ignored NTLM challenge
* 2020-12-17 12:59:44.439 Connection failed.
real? I cannot resolve the host name.
Authentication failed.
Could not authenticate to server: ignored Negotiate challenge, ignored NTLM challenge