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directly perhaps not, but look what i've found
check out it gives u the ability to enter via http to your ftp, select the files u want, and by pressing the ZIP button it transfers the selected files to any email account desired!

only prob with this is that it cannot send big files (it has a limit of 2mb i think) i hopes i could get more MB say like 50!
that's what i was really lookin for!

FTP protocol does not have such option.

i only have ftp access through a personal l/p, no SSH

Do you have SSH access or do you really have FTP-only access ?

No, I don't have terminal access only FTP l/p

SFTP protocol does not have the option. But as you have probably terminal access to the server, you can use any e-mail client there to send yourself the files.

Sorry when I say large email accounts I mean the free big inbox web mail. like for eg. gmail or walla they both have 1GB inbox to upload lots of stuff.

Actually the whole question started from my need to find a way to transfer files from my friends ftps to my email accounts (the large ones).
letting my friends upload them to my email account is not an option in case you are wondering because they are away but i have a l/p for their sites, so i have to do the job on my own. i wanna do something like fxp but not fxp, only email will serve me as a destination point for those files.

any suggestions? i must tell u that ive already looked up but it wont do mutch cause the files i need to trasfer are beyond its limitations, i need to tranfer files of 50mb each!
I hope u can help me out pal, im looking forward for any suggestion!!!

Re: transfering from FTP to Email

I do not understand your question. What is large email address?

Transfering from FTP to Email

Is it possible to transfer files (50mb) from a REMOTE FTP to a large EMAIL adress directly?