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Topic review


Re: Escape spaces in console mode

You cannot do this from command line (due to limitation of Windows parsing capabilities).

Re: Escape spaces in console mode

How can this be done from the command line? /command "open ....." syncrhonize local "Docs and Sets" ./

Complains about the number of parameters.

supercleanse wrote:

I'm trying to synchronize a local folder to a remote folder but I'm having prolems escaping spaces in my paths... Is there any way to synchronize folders with spaces in their paths? Example:

winscp>synchronize c:\Documents and Settings\supercleanse\My Documents /home/supercleanse/My Documents

Re: Escape spaces in console mode

Enclose the path in quotes, like:

winscp>synchronize "c:\Documents and Settings\supercleanse\My Documents" "/home/supercleanse/My Documents"

Escape spaces in console mode

I'm trying to synchronize a local folder to a remote folder but I'm having prolems escaping spaces in my paths... Is there any way to synchronize folders with spaces in their paths? Example:

winscp>synchronize c:\Documents and Settings\supercleanse\My Documents /home/supercleanse/My Documents