Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
Topic review
Auto Updates Bug
Re: Auto Updates Bug
Please enable session logging, so that you have a the log file ready the next time this happens.
Auto Updates Bug
I mean the "keep remote directory up to date" command. I had selected the inclusion of subfolders and I received (in red letters) the "error listing directory" when the update also stopped. Next that happens I'll let you know, but there is really nothing else to be added to this information.
Re: Auto Updates Bug
What do you refer to by "Auto update"?
Can you post a screenshot of the error and session log file?
Auto Updates Bug
I'm not sure if this is a bug, but it seems so to me.
There is a (very useful) option in the Auto Update function, to skip any error and continue with updating whatever can be updated. However, after an "error listing directory", perhaps because the directory did not even exist in the destination, instead of skipping it to update the other directories, WinSCP stopped the update.