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Re: Local Directory using UNC path

Anonymous wrote:

Administrator with Window Authentication works and will see all map drives as well as local drive.
However with SMARTCARD (2 Factor Authentication), I cannot see map drives. I can only local drive. Think this is due to restriction when using SMARTCARD(2 Factor Authentication).
will WinScp work with Smartcard in the future release?

I'm sorry, but I got lost.

What I was asking you to try: Run WinSCP from a console cmd.exe window, where you can see all the mapped drives. Will you see the drives in WinSCP then? Can you post a (single) screenshot showing both cmd.exe and WinSCP windows and how you run WinSCP?

Re: Local Directory using UNC path

Hi Martin,

Administrator with Window Authentication works and will see all map drives as well as local drive.
However with SMARTCARD (2 Factor Authentication), I cannot see map drives. I can only local drive. Think this is due to restriction when using SMARTCARD(2 Factor Authentication).
will WinScp work with Smartcard in the future release?


Re: Local Directory using UNC path

The console window runs with Administrator privileges. Do you also run WinSCP with Administrator privileges? What happens if you run WinSCP from the same console that shows all the drives?
michelle thwin

Re: Local Directory using UNC path

retried attach file winscp-test-mappingdrive.docx. I see that I cannot attach "The Extension docx is not allowed". uploaded winscp_using_smartcard.7z
7z.exe a -t7z winscp_using_smartcard.7z chk-netuse-before.jpg netUseofMapDriveTonD$onRemoteServer.png LoginWinSCPUsing2FAAndNoMapDriveOfT.png

7-Zip 9.20 Copyright (c) 1999-2010 Igor Pavlov 2010-11-18

Creating archive winscp_using_smartcard.7z

Compressing chk-netuse-before.jpg
Compressing LoginWinSCPUsing2FAAndNoMapDriveOfT.png
Compressing netUseofMapDriveTonD$onRemoteServer.png

Everything is Ok

Re: Local Directory using UNC path

Sorry, I do not see any attachment.
michelle thwin

Local Directory using UNC path

Hi Martin,
thank you very much.
I tried and it does not work.
I did screenshot and attached to this winscp-test-mappingdrive.docx

Re: Local Directory using UNC path

WinSCP cannot browse UNC paths:

You have to map the UNC path to a drive letter, before running WinSCP.
michelle thwin

Local Directory using UNC path

correction on WindScp Window => "on the left side of WINSCP window,"


I am testing winscp against smartcard configured on servers. When WINCSCP Launched with SmartCard "runas.exe /smartcard /user:<username!> <winscp.exe_location>', it opened WinSCP window. on the right side of WINSCP window, I can only see Local drive C:\ directory on Laptop or Desktop. It does not see Network Map Drive or not able to do UNC path under the Location profile for Local Directory.
I would like to find out will there be UNC Path ("\\<server_name>\<drive$>" or Map Drive "net use \\<server_name>\<drive$>" allow for Local Directory when WinSCP Launch with SmartCard? I will have to login using Smartcard on UNC Path.

Please advise.
