Thanks for the logs.
- WinSCP 4.1.9 and xftp are connecting to, while WinSCP 5.9.6 is connecting to Do you have any idea why?
- Can you connect with the latest version of PuTTY? Can you attach its event log?
I tried with WinSCP 4.1.9 and I was able to connect.
Attached is the log file for WinSCP 4.1.9.
Show us xftp log file too.
I was able to connect to my server earlier using WinSCP. But today all of a sudden I am unable to connect. I get an error saying "Network error. Software caused connection abort". I tried troubleshooting by changing the File Protocols from SFTP to SCP and by making changes in the Keepalives section as mentioned on the website. However the problem still persists. I am able to connect from the same machine using xftp. I checked with my ISP and they said that there's no changes in firewall or other setting from their side. I have attached the log file generated. Kindly help!