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Re: Not able to retrieve file from server to local using WINSCP through python code

The cmd has no /cd switch. You probably wanted to use /c.

Though it makes no sense to run via cmd anyway. Run it directly.

Not able to retrieve file from server to local using WINSCP through python code

I am trying to retrieve a csv file from server using WINSCP through python code -
Here is my command -

s = start /wait cmd /cd C:\dir1\WinSCP\ /command "open s" "get /dir1/dir2/dir3/file.csv C:\Users\eclipse-python\project\src\dir1\dir2\ " "exit"

And I am doing os.system(s)

After i execute the command, there is a cmd pop up that appears for a second and then disappears. Also the file.csv is not retrieved.