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Topic review


Re: setup double click mouse avtions on files

SunSSH is know to be pretty limited.

Re: setup double click mouse avtions on files

tnx Martin,
i'jve just checked this option and it is enabled, now i think remote (Sun Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.9 Generic May 2002) server does not support this option.


Re: setup double click mouse avtions on files

You get the latter behavior, if you have disabled resolving of symlinks for the server (or if the server does not even support resolving of symlinks).


setup double click mouse avtions on files

hi all,
how can i setup in winscp action related to double click mouse on files on remote server?

i have two different behaviors with two different servers logged on; in one when i double click to a log file it open it with defined editor (notepad ++); in an another server when i double click on a log file winscp try to go up like a directory.... :cry:

pls help me..
