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Re: does not open again

Thanks. I see 9 sessions in the log. I'll try to follow the last one. I'll probably send you another debug version.

Re: does not open again

YES! The log file contains TWO sessions. The first was late at night at about 23 hours. All went well I think, I closed it and went to bed. Next morning I booted my computer and tried to open WinSCP. I logged in, but the window did not open. This is the second session at about 9 h something.

I cannot generate this behaviour, because I do not know how to force the bug. And, as I told you, I cannot use the debugversion again because after the crash it does not open anymore. NOW I am back on version 374.

Re: does not open again

I'm sorry, but I do not think I understand you.

So again: I need a log file showing case when the main window does not show up after you login in.

Is it the log file I already have? If not, can you generate one?

Re: does not open again

martin wrote:

So the log was generated when WinSCP have not opened, right? Then I need to prepare another version, because the problem is somewhere else then I've thought.

Yes, but the log was written the last time it opend before, too. I sent it to you, so you will see if it is of any help to locate the bug.
What does it mean that you cannot start it?

Now we have the same problem with the debug version that we have with version 375. The window does not open when starting WinSCP.

Re: does not open again

michaa wrote:

I don't know why, but this morning WinSCP does not open again. It worked Yesterday night. I have a Winscptrace.log, written this morning when I tried to start. Is this what You need? I sent it to you now.

So the log was generated when WinSCP have not opened, right? Then I need to prepare another version, because the problem is somewhere else then I've thought.

Now we have another problem: I cannot start the debug version again. V 374 works, but v 375michaa does NOT open anymore. I tried to re-copy it after re-install of v 374, but nevertheless, it does not open. Do I need a new debug version ;-)?

What does it mean that you cannot start it?

does not open again

I don't know why, but this morning WinSCP does not open again. It worked Yesterday night. I have a Winscptrace.log, written this morning when I tried to start. Is this what You need? I sent it to you now.


Now we have another problem: I cannot start the debug version again. V 374 works, but v 375michaa does NOT open anymore. I tried to re-copy it after re-install of v 374, but nevertheless, it does not open. Do I need a new debug version ;-)?

Re: now it happened again

michaa wrote:

- When I started winscp, I got an message to remove the file...and the debugversion started.

That's right.

-I played around a little bit: I installed the normal 375 again ...and it opend. I copied the 375debug and THISONE did NOT open, but there was an german error message: "Ungultiger speicherzugriff" which means: "Not valid attemt to access the memory". So your debugversion crashes with some v375 files, but opens with v374 files.

OK. My mistake. The debug version thinks that it is 3.7.5, which it is not anymore. However it cannot work with 3.7.5 files anymore.

- When I install the 374, there is no need to reboot. But version 375 forces to reboot. Is this normal?

In general you are asked to reboot only if you have started WinSCP already in your current session. It has nothing to do with the versions.

I have added the following line at the top at second line:


No. You need to set environment variable. You can do it from system control panels or by creating batch file (.bat) like this:
set WINSCPTRACE=e:\winscp\debug.log


Re: now it happened again

I have installed this version now.

Some annotations:

- I installed this version by copying the exeutable into the winscp folder (the installed version was 374).
- When I started winscp, I got an message to remove the file...and the debugversion started.
-I played around a little bit: I installed the normal 375 again ...and it opend. I copied the 375debug and THISONE did NOT open, but there was an german error message: "Ungultiger speicherzugriff" which means: "Not valid attemt to access the memory". So your debugversion crashes with some v375 files, but opens with v374 files.
- When I install the 374, there is no need to reboot. But version 375 forces to reboot. Is this normal?

Do not know whether or not this information is of any help....but I hope

I am now using the WinSCP.ini
I have added the following line at the top at second line:

Is this ok? Must/should I select something in "options/preferences/logging/logging options"?

Re: now it happened again

I have sent you an email with link to debug version of WinSCP.

now it happened again

Hi, this bug (?) seems to be related to a hardware issue, but should not have this effect: I have 4 hds on an extra IDE adapter in my WS (The one WinScp is installed on). For unkown reasons sometimes one HD isn't detected on boot. The hd is ok, but there seems to be a tempreature problem. The problem with WinSCP does happen afterwards when the hd comes back on next boot. But you cannot reproduce this, because in most times WinSCP does start nevertheless. But when it doesn't start, there was this hd problem before!

I would like to send you the exported registy branch. Which email? Privat or work? Or otherone?


In disregard of what I told you in some poste above WinSCP works again after installing version 374 without prior uninstall version 375. If you install v 375 again the window does not open and will reopen after installing v 374 a second time. So it seems as if the missbehavior is related to the newer code.

Re: after login winscp starts, but winscp-window does not open..

There should not be any sensitive information. Also you do not have to send the session settings. To find configuration see documentation.

Also please tell me your screen resolution.

Re: after login winscp starts, but winscp-window does not open..

Are there any personal security information in it ;-)? I mean, I do not use stored passwords, but I do not have really clear what information I am giving away or what I should change afterwards. Please, this statement is not meant to offend you, it is meant to clearify what information I am giving away.

Maybe it would be a good idea to clearify this in the documentation together with a short description where to find the configuration files. I couldn't find any winscp.ini or something like...

///edit: ok, I found it in documentation///

Said this, yes, I would like to cooperate...

Re: after login winscp starts, but winscp-window does not open..

OK, once it starts hanging again, can you export your configuration and send it to me (via email)?

Re: after login winscp starts, but winscp-window does not open..

Oh, now I understand: NO, this does not work. I tried this in both occasions. The window will not open unless you uninstall COMPLETELY without leaving the files created by WinSCP on your system.

I now go back to 3.7.5

Re: after login winscp starts, but winscp-window does not open..

I've ment that you continue using 3.7.5 and once it stops working, try 3.7.4 (without uninstalling 3.7.5) to see if it start nevertheless.

Re: after login winscp starts, but winscp-window does not open..

ok, I went back to 3.7.4 without uninstalling 3.7.5.

But as I mentioned: The malfunction happens all of a sudden after a period (days) of working without problems. On the other hand, the 3.7.4 worked well generally. So I may test some days or weeks whether or not the malfunction appears in this version.

Re: after login winscp starts, but winscp-window does not open..

What if you run 3.7.4 (without uninstalling 3.7.5 first), would it open its window?

after login winscp starts, but winscp-window does not open..

but winscp is minimized in the task bar. You cannot open it. If you try to close it, the task messengers error message appears. In the titel there is shown the title of the local defaul folder.

This is the second time I meet these difficulties. It happend after Winscp was working well for several sessions. But when this happens, the only way to get it to work is to complete uninstall it and re-install it afterwards. There is no crash and nothing specific I could tell you about strange circumstances before the misfunction. The only possible action in common between the two situations is that in both sessions I deleted files in the local default folder before closing the session. Before Winscp quits working (= not opening window after login) I was using sftp only. Now I am using scp only, so it should not be specific to a protocol.

This problem seems to be related to the one mentioned here ,
exept the fact that after a newinstall WinSCP works for several sessions.

I have no idea what further information I could give you to help you to locate the misfunction. I am now using v 375 beta, and I had in use the v 374 before. I am not sure whether or not the first misfunction happens with v374 or v375b.

system is winNT4.0 sp6a