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Topic review


carfield wrote:

I guess may be change the label to "Force UTF-8 transfer" may be better?

I know that the label is not very fitting. I has historical reasons. However "Force UTF-8 transfer" is IMHO nonsense, sorry :-(

Thx! after select "off" in "Server does not use UTF-8", it work ok, thx

I guess may be change the label to "Force UTF-8 transfer" may be better?

Then I may not understand your problem.

I understand that your server does support UTF-8. But it seems that WinSCP is not using UTF-8, right? Then it is probably because it does not think that server is using UTF-8. If that's right, you must force it to do so. And that's what the FAQ is about.

I am sorry that I don't see the relevancy of the FAQ and my question... the server (Mac OS X) support UTF-8, and the client (WinXP) can't change to use UTF-8.

My question is can I select the client and server encoding in winscp, thus winscp can handle the encoding correctly, so may be the anwser is winscp don't do that, I have to config my machine (client and server) use UTF-8 myself?

Re: Problem of upload Chinese filename Mac OS X

Please read FAQ.

Problem of upload Chinese filename Mac OS X

Mac OS X only support unicode in filename (i.e.: MacRoman) Thus I can't upload Chinese filename from Windows to my MacOSX server. Is there any solution for this?