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Re: Icons too large on second monitor

nikpmr wrote:

the file icons are still very large (see here:

I assume the icons are large on the monitor with lower (normal) DPI, correct?
This is a known problem, for which we do not know a solution yet:
Per monitor DPI aware Windows system image list
If you have enough reputation on Stack Overflow, please upvote my question.

and the columns seem to change in size (in the image, they have gotten narrower and are cramped to the left; other times they get wider instead).

Can you give us step by step instructions for reproducing this? Thanks.

Icons too large on second monitor

I have a hi-dpi monitor as my primary monitor and a regular monitor as my secondary. I'm really thankful for the recent update where WinSCP no longer looks enormous on mixed DPI setups. However a couple problems remain for me—the file icons are still very large (see here: and the columns seem to change in size (in the image, they have gotten narrower and are cramped to the left; other times they get wider instead). Are these issues exclusive to my setup or are they reproducible?