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Re: Question Regarding Setting Up Public Key Authentication and Converting Key to PuTTY Format

martin wrote:

No files are deleted. The converted key is stored to a new file with .ppk extension.

Thank you Martin, I appreciate your time!

Re: Question Regarding Setting Up Public Key Authentication and Converting Key to PuTTY Format

No files are deleted. The converted key is stored to a new file with .ppk extension.

Question Regarding Setting Up Public Key Authentication and Converting Key to PuTTY Format

I am new to Public Key Authentication and would like to configure a WinSCP session. When I specify the path to my private key (on SSH>Authentication page of Advanced Site Setting dialog) I am asked if I want to convert the key to PuTTY format (which I understand is what WinSCP supports). If I choose to convert the key, does it actually convert the key to PuTTY format in the path I specified (therefore replacing my original key with the PuTTY formatted key) or does it create a new key in PuTTY format and place that in the path I specified? For example, if I have a private key called "PrivateSSHkey.pvk" on my computer in "C:\keys\ssh" and I choose to convert that key to PuTTY format, does my "PrivateSSHkey.pvk" get replaced by "PrivateSSHkey.ppk" or would I then have two keys in "C:\keys\ssh", the original "PrivateSSHkey.pvk" key and the new PuTTY formatted key "PrivateSSHkey.ppk?

Thank you,