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Topic review


Deriil wrote:

Čau, doufám že mluvíš česky :D. Používám FTP i SFTP, bohužel to dělá na obou.
Jiný ne, používám zatím jen WinSCP..

Pokud chces pokracovat v cestine, zaloz prosim novy topic.

Čau, doufám že mluvíš česky :D. Používám FTP i SFTP, bohužel to dělá na obou.
Jiný ne, používám zatím jen WinSCP..


Hello, I hope you speak Czech :D. I use both FTP and SFTP, unfortunately it does on both.
Another not, I'm using only WinSCP ..

Re: Transfer speed ...

What protocol are you using?
Do you experience better throughput with any other client using the same protocol?

Transfer speed ...


I have a slow data transmission for a long time. I read this topic in the FAQ but it didn't help me. It's happening on every server. My connection is usually around 3mb/s.

Please help .. :/