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Re: How to retain permissions when synchronizing files from local to remote

That option is off by default.
Your script may take a on-default configuration from WinSCP GUI.
You should better isolate your script from GUI configuration:

Re: How to retain permissions when synchronizing files from local to remote

How do I set this in a script? And what exactly do I need to set?
To describe the complete set up: I want to use WinScp to backup multiple folders and to be able to restore them without overwriting the existing permissions :roll:

Re: How to retain permissions when synchronizing files from local to remote

nickbe wrote:

I'm using a synchronize script via SCP, but I can use sftp if need be.

Make sure you have Set permissions transfer setting turned off:

How to retain permissions when synchronizing files from local to remote

Is it possible to tell WinSCP to retain all existing permissions when uploading files from local to remote. Especially when overwriting a file, how can I ensure that the resulting file has the same permissions afterwards.