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Topic review


Re: Unable to register WinSCPnet.dll

WinSCP does not reference that DLL. This looks like a broken Windows installation to me.

Re: Unable to register WinSCPnet.dll

martin wrote:

Show us a screenshot of the console window.

Re: Unable to register WinSCPnet.dll

Show us a screenshot of the console window.

Unable to register WinSCPnet.dll

I want to use the automation feature of Winscp from within MS Access using VBA.
I have downloaded the current version of Winscp and .net Assembly.
I am not able to get "WinSCPnet.dll" registered so I can add it to Tools/References in MS Access.
I run the follow "%windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\RegAsm.exe WinSCPnet.dll \codebase \tlb:WinSCPnet32.tlb"
I receive an error message that the entry-point DLLRegisterServer was not be found.
I am running Windows 10.
When I look at properties for "WinSCPnet.dll" there is no button to "Un Block"

thanks for your help