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dan_solo wrote:

unfortunately not, its just in the documentation that was provided to us by a supplier we have to use. i know smart ftp does it but i cant find any other ftp client that allows us to do this

Because no such requirement exists in FTP specification. Using of the FEAT command is totally optional.

unfortunately not, its just in the documentation that was provided to us by a supplier we have to use. i know smart ftp does it but i cant find any other ftp client that allows us to do this

Re: FEAT before and after login requirement

No. Do you have any explanation for this strange requirement?

FEAT before and after login requirement

hi there,

we have to connect to an ftp site where one of the requirements is:
FEAT (Feature Negotiation Mechanism) must be sent before and after login. This is a key part of the authentication process. Being sent during log in rather than before does not meet the minimum requirements of the system

is there anyway to do this using the winscp UI and the .net code base?

thanks in advance