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Re: Found out what causes resize...

martin wrote:

OK, that will be the problem. Thanks for letting me know. I'll try to solve it.
Good luck.

I wouldn't put it to high on the priority list. 8)

MS does not support their XP toys so us XP Toy users are kind of hung out to desiccate. :cry:

On the other hand, none of the other apps I use have this problem and it might underly other, yet undiscovered "events". :shock:

In any case, I can live with it, and thanks for such a great utility. :D

Re: Found out what causes resize...

OK, that will be the problem. Thanks for letting me know. I'll try to solve it.

Found out what causes resize...

Found out what is happening...

I use XP's power toys...

<invalid hyperlink removed by admin>

"Virtual Desktop Manager
Manage up to four desktops from the Windows taskbar with this PowerToy."

Every time I switch desktops, the WinSCP window resizes larger.

I'm still not able to reproduce it. Can you try to delete all your configuration from registry (backup it first :-)) and try to reproduce the problem with initial configuration (window sizes and everything else)? Thanks for your patience :-)

Thanks. If you find anything more, let me know.

Referencing your question–I resized the window (smaller) so the file to be edited, though selected, was hidden by being beneath the lower edge of the pane. The crash I also mentioned most likely was caused by our network, it has been having a few problems lately.

Subsequent monitoring of the entire window size shows that a smaller sized window also increases in size. Also when the window is minimized, it also will increase is size, which you can see after it is restored.

I am trying to identify when the window increases in size and what I am doing when this happens.

Hope this helps


I tried hiding the edited file name off the bottom of the panel.

I do not understand what you mean by this.


I made it smaller, and tried a few things. When I edited a file on the remote server (F4) and saved it, it looked like the window got longer. I tried hiding the edited file name off the bottom of the panel. When I saved it, the entire WinSCP window went blank and it's now using about 50% of my CPU. I started another WinSCP and tried similar with a larger window, slow but it worked.

This might be related.

I'll watch this and see if I can see more.

P.S. When I tried to kill the WinSCP task, it crashed explorer.

Thanks Martin.

Re: Config per your request

Thanks. Unfortunatelly you seem to have quite large display :-) Larger than mine. Does the problem occur even if you make the WinSCP window smaller?

Config per your request

Sent with subject 'Config per your request' to your personal email address address.

Re: window size (height) non-static....

Can you export your configuration before you start WinSCP again and send it to me?

Re: window size (height) non-static....

martin wrote:

Do you mean, that when you run WinSCP its main window is higher then the previous time?

The bottom of the window creeps down. Thus the window grows in height. I believe it may also creep in width, but not as much or not as noticeable to me.

I use the Norton Commander inteface.

Compliments again on the great job you are doing with this!

Sorry about the delay in getting back to you, must have missed the post reply message.

Re: window size (height) non-static....

Do you mean, that when you run WinSCP its main window is higher then the previous time?

window size (height) non-static....

WinXP pro Build 2600.xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158(SP2)
1600x1200 - Appearance options: Windows Classic Style, Normal Font size, no advanced appearance options.

WinSCP 3.7.5 Build 294

Hi Martin...

Between uses when left open the desktop, the Norton Commander window size increases in height–the lower edge dropping–apparently in response to changing number of files listed in the window panes. It drops off the bottom of the screen, and thus is somewhat inconvenient.

P.S. Thanks for a great utility - indespensible!