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Topic review


Anonymous wrote:

But still one question remains. I need to preserve the Filetime of the files and i didnt find anything about that in console help (or i overlooked it). A hint to that point please.

This is done automatically, isn't it?

that helped a lot about How the synchonize option works in console mode.
Thanks so far.

But still one question remains. I need to preserve the Filetime of the files and i didnt find anything about that in console help (or i overlooked it). A hint to that point please.


Re: Commandline option syncronize

Run "winscp /console" and type "help" or directly "help synchronize".

Commandline option syncronize

I'd love to make a script that synchronizes a whole sever to my local mashine. I know there is the possebility of scripting and I'd love to do that, but I am missing a doc what options i can use. (I need that he is only syncing from server to local AND that there is TimeStamp Preserving)

Can anybody tell me where i can see an option list ?
