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I do not understand. This has nothing to do with scripting.
Example how to use the /rawconfig switch is at the end of the page linked in my previous post.

Actually, this is my first time using WinSCP. Is there any instruction or video how to do scripting?


Re: Unable to map local drive

Anonymous wrote:

Yes, I have C: drive but it's not displaying. C: drive is hidden from windows explorer by company policy. Thanks for reply

OK, WinSCP follows that policy.
You can use a hidden raw configuration option Interface\HonorDrivePolicy to override that:

Re: Unable to map local drive

Yes, I have C: drive but it's not displaying. C: drive is hidden from windows explorer by company policy. Thanks for reply

Re: Unable to map local drive

Do you mean "displaying drive C:"? I assume you have a C: drive, do you? Can you see it in Windows Explorer? Can you post a screenshot?

Unable to map local drive

I am having issue with mapping local drive (i.e. C:\)

WinSCP Version details below:

WinSCP 5.11.2 (Build 7781)
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