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Topic review


Grzegorz Niemirowski wrote:

I have just installed Vista 5219 (Aug 30 build) and WinSCP works fine. There are no problem which were observerd in 5112 and described in beginning of this thread.

Thanks for info.
Grzegorz Niemirowski

I have just installed Vista 5219 (Aug 30 build) and WinSCP works fine. There are no problem which were observerd in 5112 and described in beginning of this thread.

Re: Vista Beta Error

mazlang wrote:

Great job you doing with WinSCP!
Unfortunately I get this Error with VistaBeta: "List Index out of Bounce (-1)"
Do you have a workaround or hotfix for that?

Unfortunatelly I do not have Windows Vista to test it myself.

Vista Beta Error

Hi Martin!

Great job you doing with WinSCP!
Unfortunately I get this Error with VistaBeta: "List Index out of Bounce (-1)"
Do you have a workaround or hotfix for that?


Re: WinSCP and WindowsVista

Grzegorz Niemirowski wrote:

I have sent you an e-mail with screenshot two weeks ago. But OK, I'll send second one.

Sorry, I've forgot. Too many bug reports :-)
Grzegorz Niemirowski

Re: WinSCP and WindowsVista

I have sent you an e-mail with screenshot two weeks ago. But OK, I'll send second one.

Re: WinSCP and WindowsVista

Can you send me an email so I have contact to you?
Grzegorz Niemirowski

Re: WinSCP and WindowsVista


Re: WinSCP and WindowsVista

OK. now I understand.

On the screenshot I have noticed that the filenames are not displayed for local directory too. Right?
Grzegorz Niemirowski

Re: WinSCP and WindowsVista

No, there is no SFTP server. The problem occurs with every remote SFTP/SCP server.

Re: WinSCP and WindowsVista

WindowsVista includes SFTP server? Can you provide me some information about it? Web page, if any?

Also please enable "debug 2" level logging and send me back the log file.

WinSCP and WindowsVista

Connection with server is working well but
no folder names are displayed.
Error message "Invalid memory access" when trying
to change folder.
