Good enough, I think this thread is closed. Thank you for all of your help and hard work.
Good enough, I think this thread is closed. Thank you for all of your help and hard work.
Before posting, please read how to report bug or request support effectively.
Bug reports without an attached log file are usually useless.
(2) I think I have because it only shows in the history list. The Documentation does not describe the mask pulldown list as "history".
(1)remove the "zero" mask in the options / preferences / presets, and
(2) apply multiple masks to a particular synchronization operation?
I go to options / preferences / presets, and the window that opens still has "zero" in the pulldown for each default (text, binary) preset mask.
Are all the masks applied for a synchronization, or just the one that shows up in the mask puulldown?
Also, I suggest that the "Synchronize timestamps only, not files" option on transfers apply (by default and/or as an option) only to files whose sizes are identical on local/remote, because that actually makes more sense than changing timestamps on files that exist both local and remote but that are clearly different because their sizes are different.
Also, how can I remove an exclude mask when I don't want to apply it any longer, or don't want to keep it?
Why would the dates and times be the same, but the file sizes be different?
That's strange.
What protocol are you using, SCP or SFTP?
Are the dates and sizes showns in file panels the same too?
When you allow WinSCP to overwrite the file, does the date/size of the local file change?