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Re: I tried to edit a file in hosting server with winscp, Permission denied. Error code: 3 Error message

Molly_Hill wrote:

3) I tried to set 0777 for that file
I still got Permission denied.
4) I tried to set permission for its parent older from 0755 to 0777
I still got Permission denied.

Did you get "Permission denied", when changing the permissions? Or when trying to overwrite the file after you successfully changed the permissions?

Any help???

Any help???

I tried to edit a file in hosting server with winscp, Permission denied. Error code: 3 Error message

I tried to edit a file in hosting server with winscp the file property is 0644

I got error message: Cannot overwite the remote file, press 'Delete' to delete the file and create new one instead of overwriteing it.
Permission denied.
Error code: 3
Error message from server: Permission denied
2) so I tried to delete that file,

I still got Permission denied.

3) I tried to set 0777 for that file
I still got Permission denied.
4) I tried to set permission for its parent older from 0755 to 0777
I still got Permission denied.

I have no idea how to edit that file, is there any experts can help me through.

Best Regards
