Hi all,
I have briefly searched these WinSCP forums and extensively searched google until I feel dizzy so now I am here...
My wife is trying to add stuff (meta description) to her wordpress blog(free account) (with GOdaddy for the domain name thing) and the only way I can see to do it is through FTP. I downloaded WinSCP last night and the very first thing it asks for hostname, username and password. I set protocol to FTP, port changes itself to 21.
What is the hostname? I have tried my wifes domain name 'wifeexample.co.uk', the one from wordpress, 'wifeexample.wordpress.com', godaddy's nameservers NS1..., NS2..., NS3.... and no luck.
Am I right in thinking the username and password are the same as the ones she uses to log into her wordpress account?
I have asked her about welcome emails from wordpress and I think she has deleted them years ago.
Many thanks to anyone that can help.